Tuesday, July 21, 2009


WARNING: Breaking Dawn Spoiler/Non-Twilight Fan Writing

I'm sorry, but I really do not understand why everyone is in love with Twilight.
Is it the vampire aspect? Do females like having the idea of someone having the power to kill them, yet choosing not to?
Maybe that's the only reason why these books are a success because otherwise I see no appeal whatsoever.
The plot is complete crap, the characters are a joke, and although each book after the first continues to get worse and worse, nothing beats the fourth book as the biggest waste of time.

Four Things I Can Not Stand About Breaking Dawn

1. Bella's Decision To Turn Into A Vampire.
REALLY BELLA??? REALLY??? This girl is the most selfish girl I have ever read of. The only thing that first prevented this girl to turn into a vampire was, no not her father or even her mother, it was simply because Edward didn't want her to. Right.... I know that Bella isn't supposed to have a strong tie with her father, but she still loves him, or so you would think. Her making this decision without even considering her father as a major (key word: MAJOR) factor gives me the impression that she doesn't really care what his imput is on this matter. And by her result of becoming a vampire I can assume I am right.

2. Bella's Inability To Thirst For Blood
THE BIGGEST BULLSHIT EVER. Stephenie Meyer, please make all these exceptions for Bella because you weren't able to find a suitable way for her to meet her father. Then having Jasper pay the price by having a ridiculous mental breakdown because "this goes against everything he's ever known."? That's a little unfair. Honestly, I could have done without the whole breakdown and it probably would have been a little bit more believable, but with it, it just seems like a desparate attempt for readers to believe this exception. Yeah, not buying it.

3. Bella's Ability To Shield
That is the CHEAPEST power you could ever have. She's been practicing for weeks with barely any result and then "all of a sudden" she can extend her power to protect all the vampires on her side? Yeah, BULLSHIT. Oh sorry there's one exception: she had to withdraw her shield from Renesmee for one second because she didn't want the Volturi to detect her power. People could also argue that Bella didn't know if her powers would hold during battle, well no worries there because that is the last reason why I can not stand the fourth book.

4. Lack Of A Battle/Reason Why There Was No Battle
So... yeah... They train and prepare for this "huge" battle for weeks and when it comes down to it nothing happens. Absolutely nothing happens. There is no anticipation on the reader's side to be completely honest because youre reaching the end of the book and you know Meyer can't fit the battle of the century in 10 pages. What's even more ridiculous is the reason WHY they don't have a battle; "because the Volturi have never faced a real threat." BULL BULL BULL SHIT!!! It would have made more sense if the Volturi simply attacked Bella and friends, it would have probably been a close fight but if the Volturi won they would have even MORE intimadation and respect than before and if they lost well they can still kill the falsely accused "immortal child" just to be like, hey dont fuck with us we dont care if we lost we're the Volturi! But no... Meyer didn't want a battle, probably didn't know how to write a battle scene, so left it out... Okay, even if you are a fan of Twilight, don't you feel robbed?

Anyway that's that. That's why I can't stand the book. But I love Kirsten Stewart!

She's just lovely, but sorry to say doesn't exactly fit the role of Bella. She's looks terribly intimadting in short: TOO SEXY FOR BELLA!

Even if she does drop her MTV award. It's okay :)


  1. too bad kristin stewart is a terrible actress.....as evidenced by the film adventureland.

    and mormonism totally limited stephanie meyer. i agree, twilight sucks.
